Realizing miracles one child at a time.

IECH has helped thousands of patients have healthy babies. Since it’s founding in 1986, IECH has been dedicated to serving a wide range of patients. We are extraordinarily proud of our commitment to making infertility treatment widely accessible. Our successful patients include younger women, women with age-related infertility, couples suffering from a combination of male factor and female infertility and patients with complex medical issues.

Following are our pregnancy success rates. During your consultation, our physicians will be delighted to discuss the statistics with you and review how these numbers relate to your probability of becoming pregnant. Every patient’s situation is unique, so at IECH, your treatment plan will be individualized to maximize your likelihood of becoming pregnant.

It is important to keep in mind that age is a factor that can affect the success of In-Vitro Fertilization. Combined with this are other factors including the ovarian reserve, the level of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH is used to stimulate multiple eggs in women during an ovulation induction cycle), previous ovarian surgeries, severe or moderate endometriosis, previous failed attempts, uterine abnormalities (like congenital abnormalities, or myomas), tubular factors, and genetic factors, all of which can influence the results of the treatment.

Success Rates

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Success Rates for Pregnancies using Fresh Egg Donation <30 years old 30-34 35-39 40-42 All IECH Patients
Confirmed by Ultrasound 44.30% 42.75% 40.20% 20% 36.81%

Fresh Egg Donation*

Success Rates for Pregnancies using Fresh Egg Donation All IECH Patients
Confirmed by Ultrasound 45%

*Egg Donor Program - As a result of an ongoing effort to recruit egg donors, we have many egg donors ready to be selected by our awaiting couples.

Frozen Embryo

Success Rates for Pregnancies using Frozen Embryo Percentage of Patients
Confirmed by Ultrasound 40.80%
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