Understanding Infertility

Finding the right path to your treatment.

Fertility is defined as the ability of an individual to reproduce. Infertility in a couple is defined as the inability of conceiving after a year of frequent sexual relations without protection. Today it is estimated that one of every seven couples in prime reproductive age have trouble becoming pregnant.

Demographic studies have shown that there is a tendency of increased infertility for two reasons:

  1. Many couples postpone their marriage until a more advanced age and then wait even more to attempt to get pregnant, up to an age in which it is more difficult to conceive.
  2. The sexual liberation has brought, as a consequence, a higher incidence of sexually transmitted diseases that frequently affect the reproductive systems of both males and females.

Many couples unable to become pregnant have specific problems which cause their infertility. These problems can be complicated and can be related to the woman, to the man, or both. It’s important for the couple to understand the problems, as well as the available treatments.

Causes of infertility are:

  • 40% caused by females
  • 40% caused by males
  • 20% unexplainable causes

Causes of Female Infertility

Between 75 – 80% of the causes of female infertility are due to: Anovulation, Endometriosis and Peritoneal Tube Factor.

Anovulation: Caused by hormonal dysfunction. This dysfunction can be caused many times by stress, an excess of exercising, and gaining or losing weight with very strict diets.

Endometriosis: Presence of cells and glands outside the uterus that are normally found within it. 10% of women may have endometriosis, and this disease is found in 40% of infertile women. Occasionally there is a hereditary tendency.

Peritoneal Tube Factor: Manifests itself primarily because of damage done to the Fallopian tubes caused by infections and pelvic inflammatory disease. This damage does not allow the egg, which is released from the ovary, to enter the Fallopian tube and come in contact with the sperm.

To learn more and ask a doctor a specific question regarding female infertility, click here.

Causes of Male Infertility

The causes of male infertility are divided, depending on the area where the damage is located:

  • Pre-testicular
  • Testicular
  • Post-testicular
  • Erection disorders

Pre-testicular causes: Due to problems in the formation and secretion of the hormones in charge of stimulating the testicle to create sperm. Pre-testicular infertility is known as hypogonadism disorder because of the diminished or absence of these hormones. Because of this, the male suffers a delay, or lack of sexual development, and the subsequent lack or diminished production of sperm.

Testicular causes: The testicle fails to produce sperm regardless of having the adequate male hormonal stimulation. This is generally due to genetic or chromosomal diseases, as well as from anticancer treatments.

Post-testicular causes: Due mainly to the obstruction, at different levels, of the ducts through which the sperm travels once it has left the testicle. Infections or inflammations may cause the obstruction of these ducts which may partially obstruct the passage of the sperm. It is also possible, although rare, that the obstruction is due to the absence of these ducts. In this case it is necessary to find a genetic cause.

Erection disorders: Referred to as the inability of depositing an adequate supply of semen in the vaginal cavity. Many of the disorders are psychological, but a specialized evaluation is important to rule out a potential anatomical pathology.

To learn more and ask a doctor a specific question regarding male infertility, click here.





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