Diagnosis and Treatment

Real results for people who wish to be parents.

Having worked with thousands of families, we understand the emotional stress that you are going through and the toll this process takes. It is our commitment to make the treatments as easy as possible.

During your first visit with us, we will go over your medical history and you will undergo a series of medical examinations and evaluations to determine the exact nature of the problem. Both of you should attend the first meeting together since infertility is a shared experience and is best dealt with as a couple. During this visit, you'll begin to understand the degree of commitment and cooperation that an infertility investigation requires.

Causes of infertility are due to both male and female factors. Since 25% of infertile couples have more than one factor causing infertility, it is very important to evaluate all factors that may affect both the male and female partners.

To learn more and ask a doctor a specific question regarding diagnosis or treatment, click here.

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